Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Who is Hiding There?

We are heading out into the paddock again this morning to help Dad draft lambs for sale.

A game of hide and seek along the way finds something amazing.

Peek-a-Boo....who is hiding there?...... 


 It is a rosella sitting on her eggs...

There are alot of trees on the farm, and many birds and creatures live inside.

Trees that are very old and have lots of hollows make great places for nests for birds 


 The lambs we are drafting today are only 6 months old but they have grown fast.

 We draft the heaviest lambs from the lightest lambs. 

The light lambs are not quite finished yet, they will go back to the paddock to eat more grass.

The heavy lambs will leave the farm in 2 weeks. 

They will be going to the abattoir and then to the supermarket.

1 comment:

  1. Great story. Loved especially the part about the Rosellas. Thank you.
