Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Friday, October 23, 2015


Would you like to know what happens 'down on the farm'?

Welcome to Farm Life with Erin.

This is our farm......

We will keep you up to date with all the things that happen on the farm.
 Along the way you will meet all my family. 
My dad Stephen, my mummy Alison, my biggest sister KT, 
my grandparents Oppy and PopPop 

 and me ERIN!


  1. Hi Erin! How exciting to read your blog (I followed your big sisters blog a few years ago!). In a few months time, the students in my 4/5/6 class along with our friends in Year 5 at Collaroy Plateau PS are coming to visit your farm and we cant wait! I will pass on your blog address to their teacher Miss Gee, so that they can get a sneak peek at where you live, before we all visit. I hope you are enjoying the spring weather and you have lots of new lambs. From Mrs Lewis @ Holmwood PS

    1. Hello Mrs L....I am looking forward to sharing my blog with lots of children. I think the children will love visiting the farm, I certainly think I am very lucky living here every day! Unfortunately I will be at preschool when you come to visit however my big sister KT is going to have a day off big school to hang out with all the children that visit the farm. She knows lots of things about farming and is great at sharing with big kids. From Erin

    2. Hi Erin, I bet you have a great time going to pre-school! How nice that your sister KT is able to stay home and help mum and dad out with all of our Bush to Beach visitors! I have heard she knows LOTS about farming and especially all the animals that you have at your place! We are getting REALLY excited about our visit....12 sleeps to go!! Do you think we will see any baby lambs when we are there? From Mrs Lewis @ Holmwood PS
