Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Morning Chores.

I wake up very early in the morning to the sounds of hundreds of birds chirping out my bedroom window.
 After a big breakfast, Mum and I must drive 6 kilometres to put my big sister on the school bus.

The first job when we get back to the house is to feed the chooks.
 I love feeding the chooks in the morning or... anytime really. They are very well fed chooks!
They have triticale, a grain we grow on the farm for breakfast and some laying pellets.

They are always very happy to see me.

 These two chooks are not hungry this morning they are on the nest laying eggs.

We have six new chooks. They arrived last night. 
These chooks are Isa Browns they are excellent egg layers.

I also collect the eggs from the nest.
 I must be very gentle because they are very easy to BREAK!

 I also count all the eggs into the cartons. 
We use our eggs in the kitchen, cooking all sorts of yummy things.
 My favourite way to eat egg is in a cup, with toast soliders. 
We also sell eggsfor $3.50 a dozen. 
My big sister and I share the money into our money boxes. 

 Our chooks spend all day outside scratching about in the grass for lovely things to eat. 
The green grass makes the egg yolks the brightest orange favourite bit!

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