Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Beach to Bush!

Every Tuesday I go to preschool. I sometimes go in the car with Mum and my big sister.

But most of the time I get to travel on the school bus, it is the best fun!

Just for one day I feel as BIG as all the other children.

Yesterday whilst I was at preschool lots of much bigger children came to visit our farm.

Some of the children were from the beach and some were from the bush. Mum and Dad
shared all the things we do on the farm with the children and teachers. Some children had never been to a farm before. I have heard that they had lots of fun.

You can listen to how much fun they had here:

They went to visit a farm one day and what did they see along the way.......

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Morning Chores.

I wake up very early in the morning to the sounds of hundreds of birds chirping out my bedroom window.
 After a big breakfast, Mum and I must drive 6 kilometres to put my big sister on the school bus.

The first job when we get back to the house is to feed the chooks.
 I love feeding the chooks in the morning or... anytime really. They are very well fed chooks!
They have triticale, a grain we grow on the farm for breakfast and some laying pellets.

They are always very happy to see me.

 These two chooks are not hungry this morning they are on the nest laying eggs.

We have six new chooks. They arrived last night. 
These chooks are Isa Browns they are excellent egg layers.

I also collect the eggs from the nest.
 I must be very gentle because they are very easy to BREAK!

 I also count all the eggs into the cartons. 
We use our eggs in the kitchen, cooking all sorts of yummy things.
 My favourite way to eat egg is in a cup, with toast soliders. 
We also sell eggsfor $3.50 a dozen. 
My big sister and I share the money into our money boxes. 

 Our chooks spend all day outside scratching about in the grass for lovely things to eat. 
The green grass makes the egg yolks the brightest orange favourite bit!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Who is Hiding There?

We are heading out into the paddock again this morning to help Dad draft lambs for sale.

A game of hide and seek along the way finds something amazing.

Peek-a-Boo....who is hiding there?...... 


 It is a rosella sitting on her eggs...

There are alot of trees on the farm, and many birds and creatures live inside.

Trees that are very old and have lots of hollows make great places for nests for birds 


 The lambs we are drafting today are only 6 months old but they have grown fast.

 We draft the heaviest lambs from the lightest lambs. 

The light lambs are not quite finished yet, they will go back to the paddock to eat more grass.

The heavy lambs will leave the farm in 2 weeks. 

They will be going to the abattoir and then to the supermarket.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Open Shut Them

A day of moving stock in fresh air and sunshine.

The clover grows like crazy. 

While Dad rakes hay this morning, Mum and I are out moving sheep from paddock to paddock .

 Now that I am getting bigger I am able to help much more on the farm.
I am getting good at opening and shutting gates.

Some of them can be a bit tricky. 
The gates on the farm separate mobs of sheep and cattle.
It is important to always leave the gate as you find it, open or shut? 


Friday, October 23, 2015

What we GROW!

It is spring time on the farm and the grass grows like crazy.

All the animals are growing fat and healthy, eating long green grass and clover.

On our farm we have both sheep and cows. 

We have sheep that grow beautiful wool....and sheep that grow meat lambs.

 And cows that grow beef.

Both my Dad and Mum work on the farm, and my sister and I help out where and whenever we can. We both love to go mustering the animals. 

We always see amazing things.
Today Dad and I have seen beautiful rosellas in the gumtrees.
 Rosellas are my favourite bird

 We are mustering cows today. 
Old cows are being taken out of the herd to sell.
All the cows that are left on the farm are meeting the DADDY BULLS today, and they will make babies over the next 6 weeks. The babies will be born in nine months time.



Would you like to know what happens 'down on the farm'?

Welcome to Farm Life with Erin.

This is our farm......

We will keep you up to date with all the things that happen on the farm.
 Along the way you will meet all my family. 
My dad Stephen, my mummy Alison, my biggest sister KT, 
my grandparents Oppy and PopPop 

 and me ERIN!