Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Sunday, July 31, 2016

I Want my Mummy!

It is a very wet winter. All week we have seen grey skies and light rain.
Finally the sun appears for a our fun for the weekend is all about sheep.

The baby lambs that were born in April and May have grown up.
 They are now big enough to leave their mums.
All the lambs have another needle that will help protect them from diseases and worms. This one is their booster shot!
Mum gives all the lambs an ear tag, it has a special number on it that belongs to our farm.

The lambs look like they have an ear ring now!

The lambs are all put onto oat crops now to help them grow big and strong.

They are very noisy, crying all the time. I WANT MY MUMMY! Their mums are noisy too.

I am still a little small to help in the yards, but I love to play in the nearby timber.
There is lots to explore.

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