Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Friday, August 5, 2016

Short Back and Front Please!

Have you noticed that sheep have four legs and no arms?
How do they ever brush their teeth, clip their toenails, comb their wool or wipe their bottoms? It is IMPOSSIBLE to do with no arms.......

Lucky for us there are very skilled people we pay to do some of these jobs.
The young ewes on the farm need to be crutched.
 The wool is growing around their eyes and they cannot see where they are going and...
their bottom is getting a bit dirty too!

All the sheep are put into the shearing shed overnight where they are kept dry.

The sheep are dragged from the catching pens onto the shearing board.....
where they are crutched,  a short front and back!

The wool is swept away and sorted good from bad!

I like to help sweep the wool away, you have to be very quick!

The sheep are returned to the paddock.

They are very happy with their short front and back.
They can see where they are going,......

and they have really clean bottoms TOO!

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