Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Grey Skies.

Grey skies are going to clear lets get busy!

Two days of clear skies before the rain returns. 

All hands on deck.... to inject cows with medicine before their baby calves arrive in one month, and wean the baby lambs from their mothers.

The animals on our farm are what makes money for us. 
We must look after them the best we can.

The cows get a needle that protects both them and their unborn calf from diseases.
All the lambs that are being weaned from their mothers also get a needle, that protects them from diseases and worms. 
People get needles too, it helps keep us healthy.

We have had so much rain in the last 10 weeks. The dam behind our house is nearly full.
Even when it is not raining the water is still running into it, the ground is SO wet!

The water is running every where.......the creek through our farm even has waterfalls!

This creek starts in our farm and flows into another creek called Limestone. 
Then that creek flows into a river called the Belubula. It is brimming full.
The Belubula then runs into the Lachlan River and it just keeps on going! 
I am not really not sure where it finishes...............

My big sister KT and I have made the most of the weather.
We have spent hours exploring and having fun whilst the hard work was being done!

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