Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Friday, August 19, 2016

A Carpet of Green.

The farm has turned into a carpet of green grass. As far as I can see there is green.
It has not rained for a week, and the grass has really loved seeing the sun. It is growing.

Whilst the sun is shining there is lots of work to do. Mum and I have been mustering for shearing. 
Mustering is fun, I love to walk along behind the sheep and climb on rocks. 

Yesterday shearers came to the farm and shore some old ewes that are to be sold.
Most of these ewes are 6, 7 or 8 years old. They have had baby lambs every year of their life since they were 2 years old. They will go to the sheep yards to be sold in a few weeks.

I spend some time in the shearing shed watching the action, some time sweeping up the wool on the floor and some time squashing wool in the bins. It can be a lot of fun!
Yesterday there was an extra special treat, a set of mysterious twins appeared in the mob.
Dad and Mum have no idea how they have appeared. 
None of the ewes are meant to having babies now. 
I spent lots of time cuddling them, they even fell asleep. They are so CUTE!


Shearing is finished in the day and the shearers head home, and
Dad takes the ewes back to the green grassy paddocks.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Short Back and Front Please!

Have you noticed that sheep have four legs and no arms?
How do they ever brush their teeth, clip their toenails, comb their wool or wipe their bottoms? It is IMPOSSIBLE to do with no arms.......

Lucky for us there are very skilled people we pay to do some of these jobs.
The young ewes on the farm need to be crutched.
 The wool is growing around their eyes and they cannot see where they are going and...
their bottom is getting a bit dirty too!

All the sheep are put into the shearing shed overnight where they are kept dry.

The sheep are dragged from the catching pens onto the shearing board.....
where they are crutched,  a short front and back!

The wool is swept away and sorted good from bad!

I like to help sweep the wool away, you have to be very quick!

The sheep are returned to the paddock.

They are very happy with their short front and back.
They can see where they are going,......

and they have really clean bottoms TOO!