Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Rains are Here!

The rains are here and our faces are smiling!
It is a little later than we would have liked it, BUT some things are better late than never!

Whilst our farm has received fantastic rain not everyone has been as lucky. 
So we cross our fingers and say our prayers that everyone gets some soon!

Rain means good things, the grass will grow to feed cows and sheep, 
the crops can be sown to grow grain, the dams are filled with water,
and the rainwater tanks are topped up for our baths!

 The paddocks are very short of feed so we are feeding all the cows and most of the sheep.

The steers are very impatient. They want the grass to grow faster.
Plants need water followed by sunshine.
A few days of sunshine and maybe the crop will be ready?

With the change in the weather, the animals get hungrier!.

Every morning we check the ewes that are lambing.
Today Mum and I found a ewe cast on her side she was lambing twins.
We helped her get the first lamb out, made sure she was able to get up and left her to do the last one, I hope she can do it on her own!

The lamb is a merino, it is strong and healthy and very cute. I do love baby lambs!

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