Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Monday, March 28, 2016


It happens to us all eventually....we grow up!
The calves have all grown up so big, it is time to separate them from their Mums.
The cows are all expecting new babies in July, so it it time for the big calves to move on.

All of the cows were scanned in January and those that are not growing a baby calf inside are going to the saleyards. 

All the cattle that leave the farm must have a special ear tag, this tag tells the buyer who and where the animal came from. It is my job to load the ear tagging gun, it takes lots of concentration! 

The calves will stay in the yards for a few days until they settle down.
We will feed them twice a day.

They love the hay it makes them very quiet...for a little while!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Short Back and Front PLEASE!

In three weeks time the ewes will start having baby lambs.

Before that happens there are a few jobs that must be carried out. 

It is time for all the ewes to visit the sheep barber, at the shearing shed.

The shearers work hard, they must drag every ewe out onto the shearing board and trim the wool from their eyes, udder and bottom!

They do the trimming with a hand piece it holds a comb and a cutter and is very sharp. 


Dad gives all the ewes a needle. The needle helps protect both the ewe and the baby lamb growing inside from nasty diseases.

 The ewes are now prepared to have their baby lambs. They are put back in their paddocks. Now the waiting game begins.

My big sister KT and I have been exploring in the timber whilst Mum and Dad have been working.We cannot wait for the baby lambs to arrive.....we LOVE baby lambs!


Friday, March 11, 2016

Six Poky Puppies

Six roly-poly poky puppies arrived on the farm this week.

 Pippa is a Mummy again and she loves her babies, and so do I. 

These puppies arrived on Sunday, it took all day and all night for all six to arrive.
They are so very tiny and have not even opened their eyes. They are very sleepy.
They whimper softly. 

These puppies will grow up to be working dogs just like their Mum and Dad.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Farewell - Goodbye

A fact of life on the farm....we are in the business of breeding and those that don't.. we bid FAREWELL - GOODBYE!

This week the ewes that have failed to get pregnant are off to the sale yards.
 They will be sold either to another farmer or to the abattoirs for meat.

Our farm is not far from very large sale yards and this is where the ewes will be sold.
There are trucks all sorts of sizes delivering sheep and lambs. It is a very busy place.

Trucks big and little, old and new, dirty and clean!

It is an enormous place,

 and there is a lot of noise, dogs barking, gates banging and stock agents working.

 There will be thousands and thousands of sheep and lambs sold at the sale yards today.

Our ewes are sold $90 ...........goodbye - farewell.