Farm Life with Erin

Farm Life with Erin

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Working Gang

Sometimes things can get pretty busy on the farm. 
We often have extra helpers come in to help with big jobs like shearing, crutching, scanning and fencing.

But we always have a team of willing helpers in the working gang of dogs.
Please meet...... Peppa, Pippa, Gibson, Bear and George.

They are a great team! 
We use the dogs when we work the sheep. 
They help keep the sheep together as a mob and direct them the right way.

I also help Dad and Mum. Sometimes by clapping my hands or shaking the rattler or........
 just staying out of the way.

Most of our working dogs are kelpies except for Bear he is a border collie, he is very old.
Last year Pippa and Gibson had puppies, Pippa had 6 pups we kept two pups
 and this is the family all grown up!

My favourites are Gibson and George.

This is my artwork of Gibson.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Peek A Boo - We Can See YOU!

It is time to take a peek inside and see what we can see.
We breed babies on our farm and lots of all the female sheep (ewes) have been mustered to the sheep yards for scanning. 

It is going to be a big day....there are lots of ewes to check..... 2500.
We start work early.

The sheep yards are full of sheep ready and waiting for their appointment with the scanning man.

Once again the ewes must queue in line and wait patiently their turn.
They step up, and the man places the scanning piece under their tummies and....

  PEEK - A -BOO.....we can see you!

 The screen tells the scanning man whether the ewes are having one, two or no babies. 
The ewes are split into different mobs depending on how many babies they are having.
The ewes having no babies are to be sold. This year very few have failed to get pregnant.

We are expecting lots of babies.....expected delivery day mid April through to late May.